We’re the provider for all your private duty, home care, supplemental staffing and child care needs.
About Nursing Management, Inc.
Since 1988, Nursing Management, Inc.’s purpose has been to provide quality health care and client education to individuals in home, group, and institutional settings. A board of directors, offering comprehensive home care services in the State of Mississippi governs NMI.
Referrals for NMI home care services are received from physicians, hospital discharge planners, Medicaid Waiver Program case managers, Area on Aging community agencies, family members, friends, and often the clients themselves. Referrals for industry organizations, Casinos, Chambers of Commerce and the Tourism Commission.
NMI will schedule field staff for shifts that meet the needs of the client. Field staff work scheduled shifts that are prearranged, by the client or responsible party of the client, through the NMI office. Occasionally, a field staff member, client or primary care giver may have to change the shift after it has been scheduled. If you need to change a prearranged schedule, please notify NMI a day in advance and we will notify you of field staff changes.
Nothing is More Important Than Meeting the Needs of Our Clients.

PRIVACY POLICY: We only collect the information you choose to give us, and we process it with your consent, or on another legal basis; we only require the minimum amount of personal information that is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us; we don't sell it to third parties; and we only use it as this Privacy Statement describes.